Podcasts from City of Refuge Training Center. Teachers from all branches of learning within the City of Refuge Training Center, individually and collectively publish and distribute their podcasts for their classrooms as well as subjects outside their current curriculum. Podcast information can be found at the City of Refuge Training Center website as well as the the individual branch members websites and social media pages.
Roy Cypher discusses Jacobs ladder

C.O.R.T. Teachers, Mentors, and Guest Speakers, from all branches of learning within the City of Refuge Training Center, individually and collectively publish and distribute their podcasts for their classrooms as well as subjects outside their current curriculum. Podcast information can be found at the City of Refuge Training Center website as well as the individual branch members’ websites and social media pages. Besides being provided as course content within the C.O.R.T. LMS, our podcasts can be found at these locations around the web: