Answering the call to missions

Answering the call to missions

answering the call to missions
answering the call to missions
by Roy c. cypher



Chapter one One Man’s Dream


Chapter two Vision for an Orphanage


Chapter 3. February 2012 Kenya


chapter 4 Surely You Will Live and Not Die!


chapter 5 Heaven Touching Earth


Chapter 6 Night Under the Mango Tree


chapter 7 Crusade Uganda (White Men Can Dance)


chapter 8  Indonesia


chapter 9 Night of the Voodoos


chapter 10 Philippines (Disaster Team —Wall of Water)


chapter 11 Pakistan—Persecuted Church


chapter 12 Mexico


chapter 13 Challenged in Africa


chapter 14 God’s Glory is Everywhere


chapter 15 American Indian Nations


Poem by an African Martyr


Epilogue Ready Writer Pen


Call to Action Prayer